Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Compass Points (One of Four)

+John Johnson asks "I picked this item up in the estate sale of a famous astronomer who was rumored to have occult knowledge. It's a compass made of brass and steel that when twisted a certain way forms a small dagger. Rather unusual already, I know. It gets curiouser, because the compass doesn't point north like it should, however it does keep a firm direction as if it's pointing somewhere."

John, you may or may not wish to keep the item but know that it carries a dark past.

You have in your possession one of the rare Compass Points. There are four in total (Iron, Brass, Silver and Gold) and you are suggested to not try and find the others. The direction it points (since it is not acting as a standard compass at the moment) is the location of whatever object the previous owner killed someone to obtain.

Once you find whatever object, it will return to acting as a normal compass. Any time it is used to slay a target, it can be instructed to find an inanimate object that was owned by the victim and it will remain in that fixed state until you find it.

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